O'PIGNON VDO is online!

Publié le par Ma²

Our friends from O'PIGNON just released they're first video add, introducing Simon "GOMOK" from Paris as team rider.


Wlll the next one introduce Romain "TROMS"?

He wasn't able to ride for this VDO because of his broken arm :( 

Long life to O'PIGNON FIXED WEAR! Those dudes works hard in the Hell of North!

Filmed during this cold month of December, as the half north of France was paralysed by snow

(15cm!!! Mouhahahah!),

it wasn't slippy enough to stop GOMOK shredding the BROOKLILLE CITY!

Watch this!


Simon "Gomok" Andraca - Welcome to the Team O'pignon fixed gear from Florent Delahaye on Vimeo.

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